Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Helping the Blind to See - Venezuela's People First Policies

By Charley Allan, Morning Star, Tuesday, 06 September 2005

The contrast between the calls from a wealthy bible basher to assassinate Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez and the south American country's people-first policies in the region and beyond could not be larger.

So, US televangelist Pat Robertson has ordered his million-strong "brownshirt" army to assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

This powerful Bush ally, who sells "miracles" on live TV to people who really believe that he has a hot-line to God, may just be protecting his turf - after all, the Venezuelan president has just announced on his own television show that he, too, will be helping the blind see again, only for free.

Mission Miracle is a new social programme which sends poor Venezuelans to Cuba for sight-restoring eye operations.

It has been tremendously successful and Chavez recently announced that it will be extended to countries across the hemisphere, including the US.