Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Chavez calls for global offensive for socialism

Translated by Federico Fuentes

"I believe it is time that we take up with courage and clarity a political, social, collective and ideological offensive across the world — a real offensive that permits us to move progressively, over the next years, the next decades, leaving behind the perverse, destructive, destroyer, capitalist model and go forward in constructing the socialist model to avoid barbarism and beyond that the annihilation of life on this planet."

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Quotes on Robertson

"We could offer him free psychiatric treatment ... but he could be a lost case." -- Hugo Chavez on seeking Pat Robertson's extradition to Venezuela, CBS News, August 29, 2005

"Mr Robertson has been one of this president's staunchest allies. His statement demands the strongest condemnation by the White House." -- Venezuela's ambassador to the US, Bernardo Alvarez

"The ball is in the U.S. court, after this criminal statement by a citizen of that country. It's huge hypocrisy to maintain this discourse against terrorism and at the same time, in the heart of that country, there are entirely terrorist statements like those...
[Robertson's] comments reveal that religious fundamentalism is one of the greatest problems facing the world today." -- Vice-president Jose Vicente Rangel

Monday, August 29, 2005

Chavez with World Leaders

The corporate media has developed a habit of showing pictures of Chavez with Castro to press home the point that Venezuela is "Cubanizing." Right-wing magazines have pursued this further, playing up the partnership between Venezuela and Cuba as a budding "axis of evil" in the US's very own backyard. Needless to say, the US administration has been behind this strategy of implanting the Chavez-Castro meme so as to isolate Venezuela as they have Cuba.

For much needed perspective, V for Venezuela has compiled the following pictures of Chavez meeting world leaders over the past five years. In each one, you can perceive Hugo's particularly bright smile and friendly embrace of one and all. This goes for allies and adversaries alike!

w/ former US President Bush Sr.

w/ Colombian President Uribe

w/ Uruguayan President Tabarez

w/ Jamaican Prime Minister Patterson

w/ Russian President Putin

w/ French President Chirac

w/ Nigerian President Obasanjo

w/ Indian Prime Minister Singh and President Kalam

w/ Chinese President Jintao

w/ Libyan Leader Khadafi

w/ former US President Clinton

w/ Mexican President Fox

w/ former Spanish President Aznar

w/ Spanish President Zapatero

w/ Soccer Legend Maradona, Spanish President Zapatero and Brazilian President Lula

w/ Kirchner of Argentina and Lula Da Silva of Brazil

w/ British Prime Minister Blair

w/ former Iranian President Khatami

w/ US President Bush

The loathsome and evil Pat Robertson

Recently, Pat Robertson called for the assassination of Hugo Chavez. This resulted in a resounding condemnation from most corners, and even Rumsfeld had to issue a rebuke, despite the televangelist's deep links with the Republican Party's religious right base.

But even as they pummeled Robertson for his "fatwa", the corporate news media indulged in their own backhanded character assassination, leaving unchallenged Robertson's more serious allegations that the US government has been using to isolate Chavez. While Robertson's odious, bizarre and reactionary views on everything from gay rights to feminism, to the US constitution were duely noted, his views on Venezuela that happened to coincide with the Bush administration's views were treated uncritically.

Fortunately, most Latin American and Carribean governments have rallied to Venezuela's defense instead, seeing through the lies crafted in Washington.

However, what makes Pat Robertson especially dangerous is that he has had a strong influence in international affairs over the last two decades. The televangelist was a big supporter of General Rios Montt of Guatemala, the genocidal fascist maniac who launched a scorched earth policy against Mayan Indians, butchering thousands, and exterminating hundreds of villages when he was in power from 1982-1983.

Here's a direct Robertson quote:

He is putting down wrong-doers and punishing those who are evil doers... Let it be an example of what God can do when His people are in charge.

Indeed, but is that God or Satan he is talking about? Even Satan's not that bad!

He also supported the brutal thug Robert D'Aubuisson of El Salvador, one of the principal organizers of the death squads in the 1980s. Incidentally, both Montt and D'Aubuisson were evangelical fundamentalist Christians with ties to the religious right in the US.

More recently, Pat Robertson supported former president Charles Taylor of Liberia who was responsible for plunging much of Western Africa into horrific warfare in the 1990s. Ditto for Mobutu whose brutal kleptocracy set the stage for Africa's first continental war.

Like these dictators, he is delusional and paranoid. Here's another quote:

Just like what Nazi Germany did to the Jews, so liberal America is now doing to the evangelical Christians. It's no different. It is the same thing.

And one of the strangest (commenting on the X-Box):

Anything that begins with 'X' can't possibly be good for our children. First you have something like XXX, next thing you know you have X-Files, or even X-mas, putting the X where Christ should be!

While it's obvious that Robertson is a lunatic, he controls a powerful international broadcast system that can incite the actions he described widely. He also reflects the thinly veiled wishes of the Bush administration.

Fortunately, such talk only serves to clarify the opposing sides. At the same time Robertson was thinking outloud and preoccupied with murder, Chavez was tinkering with plans to sell cheap oil to poor communities in the US. A fitting reply indeed!

Chavez Quotes

As the journalist Richard Gott recently said, "[Chavez] never stops talking and he never stops working." He is also eminently quotable as demonstrated by the passages below:


It can be said to the first world, above all the so-called "developed" world, that the problem of poverty is not only that of Latin America, it is a problem of the whole planet, it is also a problem of the developed world. There are more dangerous poverties than the material type, there is moral poverty, spiritual poverty, the poverty of principles, we could say that material poverty is the consequence of moral poverty.

Without a cultural process, there cannot be a revolution. A revolution that is not accompanied by a cultural impulse designed to empower our roots, propels ideas, rescues costumes... a revolution that does not include that is not a revolution.


Some people say, hey Chavez, why are we spending so much on adult literacy and not on physical infrastructure. My answer is that before buildings and highways, we have to build a sovereign people who can live with dignity.

These plotters, these unpatriotic people, they don't want the people to be educated; they want the children and young people, especially those from the poorest sections of society and from the middle classes, to be ignorant, not to have access to education, so that they can dominate them for another 500 years. I promise you they won't succeed! I call on all the people of Venezuela to rise up united, to defend education, which is the lifeblood of the Republic!

Reading has always been a constant in my life. Through culture, study, we began to see the truth. Study and above all reading freed us from darkness. This is the thesis of Pablo Freire: "The importance of the act of reading", it is an act of self-improvement. Yes, you obtain the edge of the freeing sword through reading.


In the South we are victims of the media monopoly of the North, which acts as a power system responsible for disseminating in our countries and planting in the minds of our citizens, information, values and consumption patterns that are basically alien to our realities and that have turned themselves into the most powerful and effective tool of domination. Never is domination more perfect than when the dominated people think like the dominators do.


We must reclaim socialism as a thesis, a project and a path, but a new type of socialism, a humanist one, which puts humans and not machines or the state ahead of everything. That’s the debate we must promote around the world, and the WSF is a good place to do it.


So, Karl Marx could reflect, think and write looking towards a distant future. The same could be said of Rosa Luxemburg, but for us it can't. The circumstances have changed terribly. We don't have centuries in front of us. It could be decades at most that are left for the peoples of this planet to make a decision. Either we really change the social and economic order, we say now we must have a new, renovated socialism of the 21st century, or we decide that life finishes on this planet.

This reflection is something I feel deep in my heart because of my profound conviction that the planet is being degraded more and more everyday, and that life on this planet is under threat. Because of this, today more that ever the dilemma has return with much more force, socialism or barbarism.


I am at your service to help in whatever way I can in this direction. All of Venezuela is at your service to continue the process every day, without rest, this process of discussion, ideas, proposals, struggle and of battle, and so as to not only see each other at festivals every four years or every time there is a meeting of the G8 in some place where some groups go to protest. That is not enough! We need to be at it every day and every night. Either we save the world or we allow the world to be destroyed.


The future of the world depends on the consciousness of the American people. When they unite, they can save the world from war and destruction.

I sincerely hope that some day the US public will develop some kind of mass critical consciousness, that they will remove the veil from their eyes and see the media powers for what they are. No part of the human community can live entirely on its own planet, with its own laws of motion and cut off from the rest of humanity. They must be critical, and make it their personal responsibility to humanity and morality to discover the truth.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Two fingers to America

By Richard Gott, Published by the Guardian

Chávez is a genuinely revolutionary figure, one of those larger-than-life characters who surface regularly in the history of Latin America - and achieve power perhaps twice in a hundred years. He wants to change the history of the continent.

Revolutionaries and a country on the edge

By Johann Hari, Published by The THE INDEPENDENT (London), August 25, 2005

Venezuela is living in the shadow of the other 11 September. In 1973, on a day synonymous with death, Salvador Allende - the democratically elected left-wing President of Chile - was bombed and blasted from power. The CIA and the US Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, had decided the "irresponsibility" of the Chilean people at the ballot box needed to be "rectified" - so they installed a fascist general, Augusto Pinochet. He "disappeared" at least 3,000 people and tortured 27,000 more as he clung to power right up to 1990.